Monday, May 16, 2016

Those Summer Days - May 14

This weekend was the first great weekend of the Summer for the Cosme Family. Sure it's still pretty chilly out, but the college kids have gone home for the Summer which means Iowa City has transformed into the magical family friendly wonderland it becomes from mid-May to August. No drunken stumbly messes peppering the sidewalk on the way to the farmer's market, no beer runs clogging up the checkout aisles at HyVee, and best of all SO MUCH parking downtown!!

Saturday we hosted a game night and before people came over we decided we should really deep clean the house because it has been a while. However, when I woke up I looked around and thought "I want to move ALL the furniture somewhere new." So I told Devin and after he shot down all my ideas for a new layout he promised he would move everything himself after he got back from the store. So I patiently waited for him to head out and then went into beast mode so I wouldn't have to compromise about where the furniture went later on (yeah man...I play dirty). Also I felt SO accomplished when it was done because I know Devin didn't think I had the strength to do it, which was obvious when he arrived home because he just looked around and said "What happened? Did you hulk out?!"

Yes. I did.

The best part of the new layout is Rosalind has her very own corner in the living room which she totally digs!

So when you have a daughter that you have lovingly nicknamed Rosie, you are kind of obligated to have at least a few Rosie the Riveter pieces in your home. Here Rosie is looking over Rosie's corner and reminding her "We Can Do It".  

She finds the weirdest things interesting. 

And right now she is in this great stage where she is curious about everything but still not that coordinated so she can't really cause too much chaos. I give this stage another month before interest in the toilet paper turns into an entire roll of toilet paper uncoiled in the corner of the living room.

Oh and Rosie's school pictures came. That smirk is killing me!

By the way this is what Devin found when he came back from shopping and saw the entire living room was rearranged. Totally strategic on my part. You can't be angry at anyone in this image! Also whenever Rosie falls asleep in my lap for a nap it is pretty much the highlight of my day. She's just so squishy!

I am so obsessed with watching this little girl learn about the world around her. I don't even know what I am going to do when she really starts to accomplish things. Right now I am like "You picked up a ball from the slot?! You know what a ball is?? You know how to use your hands?! MY DAUGHTER IS A GENIUS!!!" Poor second kid, we will probably be so jaded by then.  "Oh you're 3 and doing algebra? That's nice..."

Saturday evening was spent with great friends chatting, and playing games and eating some phenomenal snacks. I think that's one of the best things about being an adult actually. Now whenever there is a potluck, people come prepared! There was a fancy as all heck cheese plate, some delicious spinach bites, brownies, a vegetable tray, crackers and meat, watermelon skewers with mozzarella and mint, pizza quinoa bites, banana split bites, and SO MANY SAUSAGES (from Devin's sausage guy up in Cedar Rapids. My sister lives in California and they have a pool guy. We live in Iowa so we have a sausage guy...)

Then Sunday was the best kind of Sunday. The morning was so incredibly lazy. Rosie woke up and hung out in bed with us for a while, then she got sleepy so we put her back in her crib for a nap, and we continued to lay in bed and relax. Then when we finally got the motivation to get going it was noon and we had consumed no food yet so we decided to hit up and Indian buffet in town that we have yet to visit.

Rosie has to eat when other people are eating or she gets pissed off, so I brought some yogurt and was able to capture her little yogurt shiver on camera. I hope to get a better video of it another day because it is just so damn cute.

She also LOVED the Indian food. 

Then we hit the local thrift store because we have been looking for a kitchen table and chairs FOREVER and still have had no luck. Gah. We did see some cool stuff at the thrift store though (which is appropriately named Stuff).

Then I convinced Devin to take me for ice cream (and by convinced him I mean I suggested ice cream and he sped off towards the ice cream shop without a second thought). I got a cookie dough yogurt concoction and Devin got espresso oreo. It was our first time at this particular ice cream shop, which is just a town away, and it was delicious!! I immediately texted my mom and informed her that we needed to go there the next time her and my dad are in town. Also I feel obligated to go back because there are so many flavors, it's really not fair that I had to pick just one. 

I am so excited for all the adventures the next few months are bound to bring, and can't wait for Rosie to experience her first Summer! Swimming pools, picnics, zoos, floppy sun hats, outdoor concerts, baseball games. It's all on the bucket list. Now if the weather would just cooperate we'll be in business. 

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