Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pie, Cheesecake, and Crocodile Tears: A Typical Cosme Family Saturday

Although this blog has been lacking detailed Cateastrophes, I assure you they have been numerous and ever present. However, the most notable incident of late involves a simple piece of pie.

During this pregnancy I really haven't had an abundance of specific cravings, I pretty much just want to eat absolutely anything. For real if you don't want it to get eaten do not leave it in the same room as me. A couple weekends ago though I had a pretty strong craving for some fresh fruit pie. We went grocery shopping, but the frozen varieties just didn't look very appetizing. Plus, I didn't want an ENTIRE pie...I mean I did, but I did not need an entire pie, so I used my best judgement and left the pie at the store. But as the day ticked on the urge for pie grew stronger and stronger. I decided to call our favorite local dessert place to see what they were selling. Their dessert menu changes daily so you never really know, and low and behold they had pie! Peach mixed berry pie!

So I had to make a vital decision: either live with a severe pie craving for the rest of forever or get dressed, walk all the way to car, and go retrieve the pie. A pie pilgrimage it was!

Devin was nice enough to offer to drive me, so we drove downtown and I eagerly raced into the store to order my pie! (Also I will note as you envision this tale unfolding please be aware that as part of my desire to stay comfortable but to also eat pie I decided to not wear a bra and keep on my comfy I looked a mess, a real mess.)

I inquired about the pie, only to be told they were all out. But they did have a pina colada rum cheesecake...ok that sounds downright amazing, so I said I would take one slice of that. Only it turned out to be $7! What?! It was ONE slice of cheesecake. I was thinking $5.50, $6 max. I was wrong. So I paid for my cheesecake and sulked out of the restaurant pieless. Devin immediately knew something was wrong when I got in the car and after I told him what had occurred he asked why I didn't just say no to the cheesecake...and I don't know! I felt panicked! It sounded good! IT ALL HAPPENED SO FAST!

So as we started to drive home my eyes welled up with the largest of crocodile tears because there was still no pie on its way to my belly. Devin pulled over and said if I still wanted pie, we could find some. So I called a restaurant that is literally across the street from the one I had purchased the cheesecake from and they had so much pie in stock (pie is one of their specialties) and it was only $3.50!! So we drove back, I got out, shamefully and bralessly ordered my pie, and then even more shamefully returned to the car where I now had to hold two desserts on my lap as we drove home.

Ok. So I know I complained about how expensive that cheesecake was, but you guys, it was freaking amazing!! So rich, and delicious, and creamy, and tropical. So yeah, I ended up having some pie and some cheesecake, and I will let you be the judge of how much you think some is.

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