I honestly wanted to start blogging weeks ago, but felt I needed to wait until I had time to invest in a proper blog title. The trouble is this blog isn't intend to be focused on anything in particular. It's not about food, or a once in a lifetime trip across the world, this blog won't feature pictures of adorable babies doing the cutest things you've ever witnessed, and to be frank we don't even have a dog that I can entertain you with.
It's just us. My husband and I. Living in a two bedroom apartment, with too much stuff (important stuff though, stuff we can't bare to throw away, stuff we claim to love so much that it has found a permanent space in the closet of our guest bedroom) and too much love. Love that makes us optimistic and foolish.
These are the things that currently fill our apartment. Empty cups we plan to take to the sink tomorrow, laundry we pile up with hopes that it will get folded before the next load finishes, movies we plan to watch when there is time, and food we intend to eat prior to the expiration date. Then there are pictures. Pictures linking us to the past. Pictures of places we've been, friends we've known, family we can't live without and moments we can't bear to forget. Tickets stubs to movies we've seen. Paystubs from the hours we spent apart and bills demanding the money from those paystubs. Links to the past, plans for the future, all littering our apartment. Our link to the present though, is sometimes painfully unapparent.
There are days I can't seem to let go of the past, as I use my memory to relive moments I wish had never ended and then there are days I don't stop dreaming about the future. Those things that are right in front of us though, well those are things I sometimes miss.
So, a blog about people (and science, and food, and travel, and love). Which is unremarkable and remarkable all at the same time. Because life seems to be constantly changing, throwing curveballs at us and introducing plot lines we didn't realize we'd be the stars of and you can't just jump into the conflict of a story. You have to provide some rising action.
Oh, and the title? Well, if you know me I am known for my catastrophes and my husband has adorably deemed them Cate-astrophes. Or as he puts it "A constant stream of solvable problems and fixable mistakes."
Right now life is pretty simple, even though we don't always perceive it that way. I have a feeling though, that someday we will look back at this time and remember with smiles how easy it all was, before mortgages and babies who needed us more than we knew was possible, and we'll wonder why we didn't just pick up and leave more often. Explore the world. Stay out till bar close and run through sprinklers at the homes we only dreamed of owning. Why is it we didn't take advantage of the freedom? We'll wonder what the answer is, and this will remind us: because we were always enough. Wherever we were. We were enough.
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