The morning started out with a trip to the doctor for both Rosie and I. It was a weight check for her because she has had trouble growing, and my 6 week postpartum visit. I made the appointments back to back because they are in the same building so I figured it would save us having to go there on two different days. The first appointment was at 9, which meant getting out of the house was a mad dash because we generally don't get up till after 8, but we made it there just a few minutes late.
To start I got off the elevator on the pediatric floor, when in fact I needed to be on the women's health floor. So I awkwardly said something about having an appointment on that floor later and pushed the elevator button so I could go to the correct floor. Minutes passed and finally the lady at the front desk suggested I press the button...because I am a fool who can't even call an elevator successfully but I swear it looked lit up! Then we made our way to the women's health floor and checked in. After 30 minutes in the waiting room I was really surprised they hadn't called me back for my appaointment. I looked down at my phone to check the time yet again and saw an alert from my google calendar telling me my midwife appointment was starting in 30 minutes. The appointment I thought started at 9. Yup I completely flipped appointment times, the pediatric appointment was at 9 ( and mind you I was on that freaking floor first) and mine was at 10. So I told the front desk about my mistake, went back to the pediatric floor, told them about my mistake and waited to see the pediatrician now more than 30 minutes late for my appointment.
I was really worried about our weigh in because last time Rosie had only gained half of what she should have for her one month appointment, so I was worried she would have more dismal results. When they set her on the scale I was crushed to find out she had only gained 3.5 oz in 2 weeks. Normally they like them to gain about a pound in two weeks so she was really far from that bench mark.
The doctor was very nice about it but I still felt awful. Especially because I have been feeling like breastfeeding is going really well! Plus we met with a lactation consultant last week because I wanted to make sure everything looked good and she said Rosie's latch is perfect, my milk supply seems great, and she is swallowing like a champ. She eats every two hours and recently even started sleeping for 7 hours straight at night. So really I have no idea what the problem could be but it's really difficult to know our little girl isn't growing.
Luckily we have a plan, but this plan is seriously stressing me out. We are fortifying my breast milk by adding formula to it and offering 1-2 oz of that after each feed. Only I have no experience with formula so I have had some problems getting it to mix properly, and I don't want my supply to dwindle so I am trying to pump after each session to keep the supply up. However trying to get ready to pump and also getting a bottle of breastmilk + formula ready while also trying to clean all the components that are needed to both pump and bottle feed has me feeling defeated. I can't seem to get the timing right so I always end up fumbling in the kitchen to prepare a bottle while Rosie screams for more food (because part of the plan is also limiting how much time she is at the breast per feeding). Also today our swing broke, which usually comforts her while I do a quick task, and I just don't know how to do everything while keeping her happy and content. Plus all the while I am really worried she isn't getting enough food and that this plan isn't helping her at all.
I know it's not my fault, and that I did nothing wrong, and that this doesn't mean our breastfeeding journey is over but it is still a kick in the ribs. And no amount of telling myself to look on the bright side will change the fact that I feel disappointed and upset.
So on top of feeling completely inadequate after her appointment. I had to go to my own doctors appointment where I got an IUD placed and was told that while most women's cervixes stay open for awhile after birth, mine was closed tight. Great.
So feeling emotionally down, and physically pained, we made our way to the car - which then did not start. Are you kidding me?!? I called Devin but he was too far away to come help. So I loaded Rosie into the stroller, who was screaming by this point because she was hungry, and we walked the mile and a half home in the cold. About halfway home as I was feeling miserable and on the verge of more tears it started to rain. Because of course.
So now it was raining. Rosie and I were both crying, and I decided to take a shortcut to our apartment building which resulted in the stroller getting stuck in a mudpit. For real.
The good news? I counted that walk as my workout for the day because I freaking earned that at the very least.
The rest of the day was decent, although not decent enough to overturn my downtrodden mood.
In happier news, this weekend is Halloween!! Of course we have some cute outfits picked out for the babe and Devin and I's one year anniversary is Sunday so we plan to do something fun though we aren't quite sure what yet.
At least on bad days I still have this cool chick to kick back and relax with.
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