In college I was part of a very competitive speech team and whenever we didn't compete as well as we wanted, I didn't think "But good for that other team!" I usually felt crushed, and defeated, and emotionally drained - which is a little how this World Series win feels.
However, the one thing that is putting a huge smile on my face is watching the way this sport (and sports in general) bring people together. Devin HATES baseball, he really doesn't like any sport, but he actively dislikes baseball. At first that really bothered me about him. I wanted him to recognize the nuances of the game, the spirit and excitement that surround each inning, and I wanted him to know why I love this game so much.
But as time has passed I have totally accepted his viewpoint and I even kind of enjoy this fact about him. Devin and I are never going to share a special moment over baseball. He isn't going to look over at me with a huge grin after a critical home run and high five me. We aren't going to watch a 9th inning with baited breath. Instead, these are moments I have had with my dad that are very very special to me.
In 2005 when the White Sox won the World Series I remember sitting in our living room watching the final out with him. I remember jumping and cheering and his pure joy as his team won the championship. I remember going downtown for the parade and feeling so excited about skipping a day of school - I know I will remember that day for the rest of my life.
This season we took Rosie to her very first White Sox game and it was so delightful. She loved watching all the people, she tried some ballpark food for the first time, we explained to her all about how baseball works, and she clung to her grandpa all day long as excited as could be. I know that as Rosie grows bigger she will also start creating memories in that ballpark that I have been to countless times over the last 26 years. She will know the pinwheels, the fireworks, and the foam fingers. She will know the joy of a win, and the disappointment of a loss, and more than anything I hope she remembers spending warm (or sometimes bone chillingly cold) afternoons with her grandpa.
Rosie and her official first game certificate!
Like I said...clinging to grandpa!
Rosie was so into all the clapping and most of the time did it at the right time.
She did however get a little messy and needed an outfit change.
Grandpa telling Rosie all his baseball secrets.
Rosie trying some nachos because you only go to the ballpark for the first time once!
Earning herself an awesome balloon that of course she wanted to eat.
Grandpa pointing out some of the finer features of the ballpark.
Can't believe someday she will be a full grown person who will fill this seat.
A keepsake for life!
So yeah, knowing how memorable all this is, how special a world series win is, how it brings families together - for that reason I have found a reason to smile at all those social media posts about the Cubs win - even if it does sting.